72-year-old man is tried for a kiss with a tourist in a museum in Dubai during a selfie

An elderly carpenter was accused of hugging and kissing a tourist against her will at the Dubai Museum during a selfie.

The 72-year-old Indian carpenter appeared in court for convincing a Chinese tourist to take a picture with him at the Dubai Museum last February. At the time of photographing, he laid a hand on her shoulder, then hugged and kissed her against the will of the woman.

The tourist ran away from the carpenter and turned to the security guard about the incident, which took her to the museum management to report the incident to the police. The woman stated in an e-mail the details of what had happened, on the basis of which the suspect was charged with sexual assault on a Chinese woman.

On Monday, during a hearing in the Dubai Court of First Instance, the suspect pleaded guilty and asked for leniency, claiming that he had a heart disease.

The guard testified that when a tourist informed him of what had happened, she was crying.

A spokesman for the museum’s management said: “She said the suspect asked for her contact number. She also claimed that he hugged and kissed her against her will. ”

The decision on the case will be announced on February 13.

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