Du Tough Mudder and Mini Mudder 2018, Dubai, UAE

Endurance races for children and adults will be held again in Dubai.

Location:Dubai Hamdan sports complex
Organizer: Dubai Sports Council
  • Adult participant 265-495 AED
  • Children from 7 to 13 years 55 dirhams
  • Spectators of 45 Dirhams
  • On the organizer's website
    Time spending:07.00 - 17.00
    The date of the:December 07, 2018 - December 08, 2018

    If you want to test your physical stamina, then du Tough Mudder and du Mini Mudder runs are something that the whole family should try.

    Teams will come together at the Hamdan Sports Complex to overcome the trickiest and most difficult challenges. The names alone are breathtaking: Crazy Mile, Shock Therapy, and The Berlin Wall.

    Watch the video: du Tough Mudder and du Mini Mudder ARE BACK! (June 2024).