Star horoscope

SCORPIO / SCORPIO (24 / 10-22 / 11)
  • Colors: blood red, scarlet, raspberry, all fiery colors

  • Good luck stones: topaz, aquamarine, pomegranate

  • Talismans: bug, scorpion

This period will bring Scorpios favorable career and financial prospects. If you are entrepreneurial and efficient, it is likely that in November you will find a way to start making more money or how to move up the career ladder. Very positively your affairs will be affected by the fact that almost all of this month you will be in an optimistic, high spirits.



Imaginative, eye-catching and enchanting stones, such as blue topaz, are suitable for this decade. His forces are diverse and mutually complementary. Not everyone can bear this clenched fist - only Scorpio, who has devoted himself to one passion.

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CAPRICORN (22/12 20/01)

  • Good luck stones: ruby, onyx and malachite.

  • Mascot: black cat

Capricorns will strive for respectability and well-being. You will be happy to take part in public endeavors and will not resist much if asked to take on the organization of an important collective event.

AQUARIUS / AQUARIUS (21 / 01-18 / 02)

  • Good luck stones: garnet, zircon.

  • Talisman: key, angel figurine

Aquarius will make feats in the business field and will be able to realize brilliant ideas. This is a productive period in terms of professional achievement. Thanks to creative inspiration, you can find a successful solution to even the most complex problems.

ARIES / ARIES (21 / 03-20 / 04)

  • Good luck stones: diamond (brilliant), ruby.

  • Talisman: Golden Fleece

Aries will be able to strengthen the foundation of their own well-being and bring more certainty to their affairs. This is the period when you will need to try to put things in order not only in your affairs, but also in thoughts and feelings. The more specific you are about what you want, the more you get.

FISH / PISCES (19 / 02-20 / 03)

  • Good luck stones: pearls, amethyst.

  • Talisman: nodules, monogram, daffodil

A difficult period awaits you. But Pisces will be prone to do rational and wise things. The only bad thing is that in November you will be very disposed to sadness and emotional depression. It is important that you constantly set yourself up for positive throughout the entire period.

Taurus / TAURUS (21 / 04-21 / 05)

  • Good luck stones: heavenly stones - turquoise, sapphire.

  • Talisman: Owl, Golden Taurus

Taurus will have the opportunity to achieve financial prosperity and climb up the social ladder. If you are confident in your professionalism, the period will be a period of career growth for you. In addition, you will make a successful investment.


  • Colors: blue, purple, black

  • Good luck stones: sapphire, chrysolite.

  • Talismans: horseshoe, salamander

This period will help Sagittarius to understand difficult life situations, take off his pink glasses and look at the world with real eyes. If you are ready to work on yourself and improve your worldview, November-December will be a period of great changes for you for the better. You can leave behind past mistakes and start life from scratch.



Sapphire is considered to be one of the most beautiful gemstones. In ancient times, it was called the frozen drop of the elixir of eternal youth and immortality, accessible only to the gods. In nature, there are sapphires of a wide variety of colors and shades, including even black - Sapphire Black Star.

Read more about stones at

GEMINI / GEMINI (22 / 05-21 / 06)

  • Good luck stones: agate, chrysoprase, beryl.

  • Mascot: snake, mask

The nature of many Gemini can manifest seriousness and prudence unusual for you. There will be no trace of your usual frivolity. Therefore, it is not surprising that you will be able to achieve success even in those matters that previously seemed impossible to you.

CANCER / CANCER (22 / 06-22 / 07)

  • Good luck stones: moonstone, pearls.

  • Talisman: silver heart

This is a happy period for you. You can easily succeed in any undertakings, and will be lucky, contrary to the well-known saying, both in money and in love! In addition, you can safely count on the fact that others will support you and, if necessary, will provide you timely assistance.

LEO / LEO (23 / 07-23 / 08)

  • Good luck stones: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz.

  • Talisman: eagle, lion

The period will bring Leo calm and confidence in the future. These months are good for you, first of all, because you will have many opportunities to do something, not only for your present, but also for the future. But get ready for the fact that you will not receive gifts from fate.

VIRGO / VIRGO (24 / 08-23 / 09)

  • Stones of Fortune: Jade

  • Talismans: flowers

November-December will turn out to be a period of great changes for the Devs. During these months, you will readily let the wind of change into your life, but what exactly these changes will be, depends only on you - on your life goals and priorities. If you are ambitious, you will get a promotion.

LIBRA / LIBRA (24 / 09-23 / 10)

  • Good luck stones: opal, lapis lazuli.

  • Talismans: book

Libra will be able to organize his life and solve aggravated problems. In these months, your main goal will be vital stability. Therefore, you will strive to get rid of everything that will pose a threat to your peace and well-being. At the same time, creative plans will take away a lot of your time and energy.

Watch the video: July 2019 Predictions for Your ZODIAC Sign (June 2024).