
Since July 29, 2008, the UAE Decision of the UAE Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 322 of 2008, establishing a new system for issuing UAE entry visas for temporary stay in the country, entered into force in the UAE. The system for issuing resident visas (residence permits and / or work permits) remains the same, as does the system for issuing entry visas for residence and employment. The new visa system is the same for all UAE emirates. Today in the Emirates the following types of entry visas are issued:

Visas (Visit Visa) residents of the UAE can only apply for their immediate family. Invitation to visit a visa of other relatives and acquaintances of residents requires special permission from the management of the immigration service. Only UAE citizens are allowed to invite friends to guest visas in the UAE.


Holders of passports of some countries have the opportunity to receive a free visit visa for a period of 30 days at the airport upon arrival in the UAE, with the possibility of its further extension. These countries include: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Cyprus, Finland, Malta, Spain, Monaco, Vatican, Iceland, Andorra , San Marino, Liechtenstein, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

Long Term Visit Visa valid for up to 90 days. It is not renewed or restored if it has not been used within 60 days from the date of issue. It can be issued both under the sponsorship of an individual, if the kinship of the sponsor and the applicant is proved, and under the commercial structure. The package of documents in the presence of an individual sponsor includes: a photograph of the applicant certified by the sponsor, a copy of the sponsor’s passport, a copy of the applicant’s passport, a salary certificate or a copy of the sponsor’s employment contract, a document confirming the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant, medical insurance.

The package of documents in the presence of a sponsor - commercial structure includes: a photograph of the applicant certified by the sponsor, a copy of the sponsor's passport, a copy of the certificate of registration of the company in Dubai, medical insurance.

The total cost of a visa is 1110-1120 drx (US $ 300-305). Mandatory for the applicant a deposit of 1000 drx (US $ 270) is made, which is returned to the sponsor after the departure of the sponsored person from the UAE.

Short Term Visit Visa is for a 30 day stay in the UAE. It is not renewed or restored if it has not been used within 60 days from the date of issue. It can be issued both under the sponsorship of an individual, if the kinship of the sponsor and the applicant is proved, and under the commercial structure. The package of documents in the presence of an individual sponsor or a sponsor - commercial structure includes the same documents as when opening a long-term guest visa.

The total cost of registration is 610-620 drx (US $ 165-170). Also, a deposit of 1,000 drx (US $ 270) is made for the applicant, which is returned to the sponsor after the sponsor leaves the UAE.

Multiple Entry Visa is valid for 6 months and allows its holder to stay in the UAE no more than 14 days after entry. A multiple entry visa application may be submitted to the UAE while the applicant is in the country on a guest visa. Not renewable and costs 2110-2120 drx (US $ 570-575). Nevertheless, there is no point in checking the conditions for issuing multiple visas at the embassy of the state in which the applicant resides, as they may vary depending on nationality.

Tourist Visa Only licensed hotels or travel agencies are eligible to request such visas. If earlier the permitted list of countries for issuing tourist visas included less than 80 countries, now this restriction has been completely removed. Tourist visas valid for 30 days can be renewed twice for an identical period of time. A visa is not refunded if it has not been used within 60 days from the date of issue. The total cost of registration is 210-220 drx (US $ 57-60). Tourist visa renewal costs 610-620 drx (US $ 165-168). Also, a deposit of 1,000 drx (US $ 270) is made for the applicant, which is returned to the sponsor after the sponsor leaves the UAE.

Transit visa (Transit / 96 Hours Visa) is designed for 96 hours of stay in the UAE. It is not renewed or restored if it has not been used within 30 days from the date of issue. It is issued to the traveler provided that the interval between flights is at least 8 hours. To obtain a visa, you need a copy of your passport, a completed form for a 96-hour visa, a ticket for the next flight, hotel room reservation. Issued at customs, costs 165 drx (US $ 45).

Visas for education (Education / Student Visa) can be obtained only on behalf of licensed UAE educational institutions. The applicant at the time of application must be accepted for training and have on hand medical insurance. A deposit of 1000 drx (US $ 270) is charged upon receipt of the visa, and returned after the expiration date. This type of visa is issued for a period of 60 days and can be updated four times.

The first student visa costs 1110-1120 drx (US $ 300-305), renewal - 610-620 drx (US $ 165-168).

Visas for exhibitors, festivals and conferences (Visa for Exhibition, Visa for Festival, Visa for Conference). This new type of visa is issued for a period of 30 days only to government agencies and private companies. It is not renewed or restored if it has not been used within 60 days from the date of issue.

The package of documents includes: a photograph of the applicant certified by the sponsor, a copy of the sponsor’s passport, a copy of the company registration certificate, a copy of the company’s license, an official letter from the organizer of the exhibition, festival and conference about the event, indicating the date, place and time, medical insurance. It is worth any of the subspecies of these visas 210-220 drx (US $ 57-60).

Medical Treatment Visa - a new type of visa, issued only if the sponsor is a medical institution licensed by the Ministry of Health of the UAE. A visa is issued for a period of 90 days and can be extended twice for 60 days. It is not restored if it was not used within 60 days from the date of issue.

To obtain this type of visa, you must submit: a photo of the applicant certified by the sponsor, a copy of the certificate of registration of the medical institution, a copy of the certification certificate of the hospital card from the Ministry of Health, medical insurance. The visa costs 1110-1120 drx (US $ 300-305), renewal - 610-620 drx (US $ 165-168).

A short-term work permit (Service Visa) is issued to foreigners who need to work in the UAE for no more than 14 days. It is not renewed or restored if it has not been used within 14 days from the date of issue. This visa costs 310/320 drx. Visa of the resident (Residence Visa). It is issued to persons wishing to reunite with a family living in the UAE. Validity period is 3 years. A visa is automatically canceled if its holder is not in the UAE for more than 6 months.

Parents of residents of the UAE receive this type of visa after special approval. Visa of parents after 3 years can be renewed annually. A deposit of 5000 dirhams (US $ 1367) is paid for each parent, which is returned after the visa is closed.

Work Visa A work visa (work permit) is issued by the Immigration Department to a foreign citizen who has an invitation to work in the Emirates, certified by the UAE Ministry of Labor.

The visa is valid for two months from the date of issue. It makes it possible to enter the country for up to 30 days. During this time, the employer must begin applying for a resident visa.


As part of the new UAE visa policy, a provision has been adopted on compulsory health insurance for people entering the country.

Insurers offer three insurance options, depending on the length of stay in the UAE. In Dubai, for example, if you have a visa for a period of 30 days, the cost of insurance will be 40 drx (US $ 11), for a period of 90 days - 90 drx (US $ 25), for a period of 180 days with the possibility of repeated entry - 185 drx (US $ 51 ) Insurance is valid only in the territory of the United Arab Emirates.

The insurance will cover 100% of the cost of medical services in case of accidents or other accidents leading to hospitalization, including operations and the patient's stay in the hospital. It also covers the cost of the medicines that a particular hospital has.

The insurance includes compensation for the rehabilitation period as part of the visa and dentist services if the insured's teeth were damaged due to an accident. In the event of the death of the insured, the insurance company incurs financial obligations in the amount of 7,000 drx (US $ 1944) for sending the body of the deceased to the country of registration.

The insurance does not cover cases of activation of chronic diseases, pregnancy and childbirth, ophthalmological and dental services. Help with the activation of chronic diseases can be obtained for free if the patient's condition poses a threat to his life.

How to open a tourist visa to the United Arab Emirates?

Tourist visas are opened by the immigration service. For this, travel agencies or hotels registered in the UAE submit documents for their opening. As a rule, a visa is opened at the request of the sending party.

The receiving party usually refuses the request from a private person, since in this case it may be difficult for her to receive a 100% guarantee of payment and the tourist’s return home before the visa expires.

Is it true that the UAE does not open visas for girls under 30?

In the Emirates there are no age restrictions on the opening of visas. However, the UAE authorities from time to time do restrict the issuing of visas to single young women.

Knowing about this practice, travel agencies try to avoid possible problems and refuse to apply for visas if the tourist is less than 30 years old. However, a woman up to 30 years old without a visa is opened if she flies with her husband or father - namesakes. Another option is when the girl leaves a guarantee at the travel agency, guaranteeing her timely return. You can also solve the problem by booking and paying for a five-star hotel - in this case, the probability of being refused is much lower. If you refused to open a visa in one travel agency - look for another.

Can problems arise if husband and wife have different surnames?

Problems can only arise when applying for entry visas, especially if the wife is less than 30 years old. If visas are already open, then there will be no problems at the entrance to the country. To exclude the possibility of unpleasant situations, take a marriage certificate. Some travel agencies recommend translating it into English and notarizing it, but most often it is an unnecessary reinsurance.

Do I need an original UAE entry visa at Russian customs?

To fly out of the country, the original visa is not needed - just have a copy in your hands, transmitted by fax. Large travel companies send their customers without a copy of visas at all. They present to the border guards of the CIS countries their own document, which contains a list of departures, on which a visa is guaranteed to be obtained. Tourists receive the original visa at the airport of arrival: individuals through a special visa delivery service, organized tourists - from an employee of the host travel company.

Recently, the emirate of Dubai has begun issuing the so-called "electronic" tourist visas, fully issued through the Internet. Such visas do not have the original at all - only a copy that is transmitted via e-mail or fax. Accordingly, at the UAE airport, the original of such a visa does not need to be obtained - you can go to passport control with a regular copy.

An important addition: today Dubai “electronic” visas are valid only in two emirates - Dubai and Sharjah.

Why do they scan the retina when entering the UAE?

Scanning the retina (eye control) allows you to stop the entry into the country of people who had previously been deported from the UAE and were blacklisted. Today, almost 100% of foreigners entering the country are subjected to this procedure, which often leads to large queues at arrival. Those who pass this control receive a stamp on the visa (or copies thereof) and can go for passport control.

Watch the video: How do Visas Work? (July 2024).