Stas Mikhailov: “I just live like that”

Interviewed by Irina Malkova, photographer Dmitry Kucheryavy

IT CAN BE LOVED OR HATED, LISTEN TO HIS SONGS OR WITH FIRST CHORDES CHANGE THE CHANNEL. BUT FACTS SPEAK FOR YOURSELF: FOR TODAY, STAS MIKHAILOV IS THE MOST POPULAR Singer OF THE RUSSIAN VARIETY. Since recently, he has become a guest of the “Russian Seasons” project, having already performed with concerts in emirates twice.

In Moscow, you traditionally give concerts in the Kremlin Palace, here, at a concert in Bourge Al Arab, a completely different atmosphere and a different audience. Does this bother you?

Stas Mikhailov: The scene is a "donor" place, so you need to go to any stage with the position of "give, not take." This is the main task of the artist. In Bourge Al Arab I simply did not sing more serious and deeper songs. They were out of place. It was a holiday, on the eve of Christmas, people wanted a festive atmosphere. People wait for a concert in the Kremlin throughout the year, get ready, want to hear a new repertoire. And here people are on vacation, perhaps someone accidentally found out about Mikhailov’s concert and decided to come. The audience, by the way, was very welcoming.

You said the following phrase at the concert: "I wish everyone to find a middle ground in life. But so far this feeling is unfamiliar to me."

Stas Mikhailov: What is the middle ground? You can call it a state of harmony, which we are all looking for. Some find it in old age, while others are not at all given to find it. Harmony is that middle ground when you are happy with what you have. You are comfortable and nothing is tearing inside you. Maybe wiser people achieve this, but for the time being this feeling is unfamiliar to me. With the appearance of harmony, many unnecessary passions immediately disappear, which is why I wanted this state for all people. One more thing is unfamiliar to me - I do not like, having done something, to sit and rest on our laurels.

I love to go forward. Without this, I would never have escaped from Sochi, remaining there as a "star of the local water pumping". Everyone told me: stay here, sing, you will become great. If I had listened to them then, I would not have been here. At the same time, I grew up on the street, and I still hate the concept of "star." I just live like that, and I have to comply with some laws of show business, but what star am I? We are all human. I just have one job, you have another.

People themselves come up with this halo and hype, but the artist is a servant of the stage. For me, a much better example is people who lived and burned on stage, leaving something behind. Now, if I leave something like that, then it’s not in vain. And the star is what? In feathers, in crowns? This is not mine. It’s better to do something, and let people evaluate it later. Unfortunately, we are usually evaluated later. If during life - thank God.

Do you think that in your songs there is something that so many people like?

Stas Mikhailov: Yes, life is simple there. All that I sing, I experienced. I sing that I know how I feel. I’m not inventing anything. After all, my state of search was very long, more than 20 years, during which no one needed me. No matter what I did, no matter where I knocked, the doors would not come off. And only at the age of forty did recognition come to me.

Therefore, the talk that Mikhailov appeared out of nowhere is not so. Someone wants to believe in it - in some secret patrons, in easy fate, in wealth and luxury that suddenly fell on a person. They would be put into those living conditions that I experienced, hardly anyone would be able to pass them, and hardly I would pass them a second time, knowing how long the path will be. But that means it was necessary. If a person in 20 years is not ready for something, then there are reasons for that. Therefore, I always at my concerts wish the state to be needed. As soon as I feel that I’m not needed, I’ll leave. I'll leave right away. The most unacceptable feeling for an artist is to feel unnecessary. I do not wish the enemy. And I always ask God for strength. The strength to write, live, create and be needed.

You have a beautiful wife, six children, you are everywhere greeted with warmth and love. Have you figured out the secret to success?

Stas Mikhailov: There is no secret. You just need to enjoy every day, and over the years you understand this more and more. In youth, some days fly by in vain, but what a sin to conceal - everything happened. I recently read interesting facts - we have been sleeping for 10 years, 10 years of unconscious life - school, institute, etc., and at best, 25-27 years are given to a person of conscious life. This is if he lives up to 70 years. Only 25-27 years old! Therefore, I now want to appreciate every day and see the joy of loved ones, children, to be needed for work, to create and do something new. No need to do something global and ingenious. I always speak at my concerts - do not look for princes and stars, do not seek to marry them. Look at those who are nearby, maybe there have been people around for a long time who will give you happiness. Everything is already embedded in this life, you just have to look!

Well, maybe not all people can understand this ...

Stas Mikhailov: No, people live, they know how to live. God gave me more people who think to me than fanatics. In Russia, the most thinking, strong and worried people. Those who cry, experience emotions that may not show this, but in their hearts are very sympathetic. There are many such people, and perhaps due to them, Russia lives. While in it they pray, think, think, people do not turn into a herd. Russia is a strong country. The world would crush us for a long time if it knew what to do with us. But we are a mystery to many nations.

When Elena Obraztsova died, you wrote on your Instagram account that another life page had closed. "We are all finite, the time machine spares no one. Our whole life is the road to eternity. To God." Do you often think about it yourself?

Stas Mikhailov: You should always think about this. We sin, we are weak people, and I am no exception, because I am subject to many passions and am in a world where you need to constantly deal with temptations.

Do you have beliefs that help you go through life?

Stas Mikhailov: I am an Orthodox person, this is the position of my life and my family. My children partake of once a week, I try, whenever possible, to do this 4 times a year. And this is not external surroundings - I live like that. Well, we can’t just eat, sleep and breed. We have to do something! Everyone has their own destiny, their own road to heaven. And I'm not shy about talking about it. If there is nothing in heaven, then is there any sense in at least some kind of morality? What then stops us? Eat, drink, as the last time! You can’t live like that. Many people say that, they say, Mikhailov earns millions, but is it forbidden for us to receive money for our work? This is my job. And now he is paid like that. There were times when I sang for free, I was deceived many times, did not pay money for concerts, but the time came when this is the only thing I earn. I'm not ashamed. I do not get into anyone's pocket. God grant that in this way I had to make money for many, many years. This is honest work. There is nothing better than to be necessary and useful, and when you get paid for it. Interesting job. Although no, this is not work, this is life. What are you reading? Stas Mikhailov: Now I read only spiritual literature. There was a moment when I read a lot of classics and science fiction. But then I realized that I was plunging into someone else's life and did not discover anything new for myself. With the advent of spiritual literature in my life, I discovered another world, completely new and unknown, which the holy fathers left us. It is not necessary to read such books, but pass them through yourself in accordance with your life. And apply them, live, try to analyze. Many are afraid to take these books in their hands. Do you know why? Because, after reading such a book, then you need to change your life, but they are scared. They want to live as they used to. The first spiritual book I read is “The Teachings of Abba Dorofeev.” The book by Ignatius Brianchaninov, "Life after Death," is also very interesting. Now, if you read it, then it will go so hard on your head that it will be scary for a week or two. Then it will pass, but a decision will need to be made. Or you pretend that you didn’t read anything, or you have to change something in yourself. Very subtle moment. I would not give anyone advice here.

But in my life, if I had not heard God, and he would not have opened the door, I would not have been either a performer or a person. I’m telling you this for sure. Many of my peers are gone. The life that we led in the 90s exchanged many, broke, chopped up like a millstone. Not everyone survived, and I probably would not be an exception if God did not support me. Amazing words - "Without me no one comes to me." You can go to God all your life. And you can pretend all your life that we kind of hear Him, but continue to live like everyone else. After all, the most convenient expression: "I live like everyone else. And I do nothing wrong."

In your repertoire, in addition to romantic songs, there are many patriotic ones. What is your view of what is happening in Russia now?

Stas Mikhailov: Now the country is in a very difficult situation. And if not for our current president, just imagine for a moment what would happen? It is very difficult for him to make decisions when pressure comes from all over the world. When you are left alone, and you, as the leader of the country, need to make global decisions, it is incredibly difficult. I recently spoke with one wise father and asked: what is happening to us now? And he said to me: "Do you think that God does not see this situation? Do you think He could not give Russia money? So, this is not useful for Russia and for people now." But I believe that Russia is a strong power. Many will still come to her - I hope, in our lifetime. This is our country with you, and only one person can not do everything. Everyone should do something, make a contribution. You need to start with yourself.

Watch the video: Стас Михайлов - Посланница небесНовая версия 2014 (April 2024).