Galleries night

New art season opens in the quarter Alserkal avenue September 14th.
Gallery Ayyam will present a collection of new works by Nur Badzhat as part of a program to support young artists. The artist is a graduate of the Faculty of Arts, University of Damascus. Her interests include self-portraits in the style of expressionism and symbolism. Space in turn Lawrie shabibi will present the series "Immortals", returning to the second solo show of Adele Abidin, known for his video installations.

For the first time since 2003, the artist returned to the genre of painting: this time, four large oil paintings and specific installations under the headline "Urgent News" are waiting for visitors.

Private museum Salsali private museum will continue to exhibit Hazem Harb and his Invisible Landscapes and Concrete Future. Among the works is a series of collages composed of archival photographs of Palestine until 1948. Harb plunged deeply into the study of Palestinian history and architecture, discovering in it his own aesthetics.

Next gallery Isabelle van den eynde He will present the first solo exhibition in the Middle East by Haleh Regjayan, namely patterns created on the basis of lines, circles and triangles. The artist uses pale, pastel colors in her work, and architectural details and objects from everyday life give her inspiration.

Gallery Green art gallery opens the season with a solo exhibition of Syrian master Elias Zayyat, the founder of the contemporary art movement in his country. In the exposition "After the Flood" the artist returns to the times of ancient Palmyra, Mesopotamia, Babylon and biblical subjects.

In the same time Carbon 12 will present to the public artist James Clara with the exposition "Double rainbow along the route." It was named after the famous video filmed in 2010: it captures a double rainbow at dawn. Humor and a sense of miracle, altered states of nature - all this awaits the viewer in the gallery.

Watch the video: Galleries Night at Dubai's Arts District (July 2024).