A family from the United Arab Emirates donates a million to educate the needy

A well-known Emirate family has allocated a million dirhams to support students experiencing financial difficulties.

The family of the late Obeid Al Hel, a prominent emirate, provided a million dirhams ($ US 272,000) as support for students whose families cannot afford to continue their studies at Zayed University.

Muhammad Al Ansari, a family spokesman, handed Professor Reyad Al Meheideb, Vice President of Zayed University, a check for a million dirhams on behalf of Fatima Ibrahim bin Sulayman, the widow of the late Obaid Al Hel. Al Helu was one of the first in the UAE to create a charity.

“Charity and donations will always flourish in the UAE. Our wise leaders taught us to be kind and to help each other. We will continue to support Zayed University students and help them complete their studies and become leaders in the future,” he said.

“Thanks to this generous contribution, our student support services will provide monthly assistance to several students,” Al Meheideb said.

Watch the video: Look What He Did to Win $1 Million Best Teacher Prize (July 2024).