UAE border guards found violators in a cement tank

At the UAE border, 22 intruders were detained trying to cross the border in a cement tanker.

The UAE Federal Customs Service, together with the Sharjah Emirate Ports and Customs Authority, reported the detention of 22 illegal immigrants trying to enter the UAE in a cement tank.

Violators were found thanks to special high-tech scanners, with the help of which all the vehicles entering and leaving the territory of the UAE seaports are inspected.

In the original news, the violators are called the word 'infiltrators', which has many translations, including “saboteur”, “scout” and “scout”, but no details about the goals of illegal immigrants are reported. Most likely, we are talking about illegal labor migrants.

Nothing is said about the nationality of the offenders, but the way they cross the border is surprisingly similar to the scenario of escaping from a forced labor colony in the Soviet comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune" with Yevgeny Leonov, Georgy Vitsin and Savely Kramorov in the lead roles.

Video announcement:

Watch the video: Public Hearing on Section 232 Investigation of Steel Imports on National Security (June 2024).