Emirate of Sharjah paved air-conditioned tracks

Emirate of Sharjah will help residents in sports with the opening of air-conditioned tracks for the hot season.

In the city of Sharjah, UAE, air-conditioned tracks will soon appear. Over the five months of the hot summer, they will help people stay active and fight obesity, said His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, a member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah. He confirmed that the tracks have already been developed, and soon the project will proceed to the implementation phase.

"We will have the first, best air-conditioned tracks, because for five months a year the temperature is so high that people cannot train," he said.

Al-Qashimi also spoke about other initiatives, including the introduction of a ban on smoking in many public places, which has led to a decrease in mortality.

Watch the video: UAE major recycling programme (July 2024).