Passion for caviar as a high art ....

CAVIAR HOUSE & PRUNIER TO RECEIVE THIS TOP-QUALITY DELICACY USES CAVIAR FISH RELATED FROM SPECIAL FARMS. And even though many caviar lovers are skeptical of captive-sturgeon-grown, PRUNIER assures that it is possible to achieve a high-quality product by artificially developing a cross-breeding.

Once upon a time, back in the time of Napoleon III, Alfred Pryunier, who had a reputation for being a great connoisseur of wines, opened a restaurant on Duphot Street, a few steps from the fashionable Madeleine quarter. The most beautiful carriages of Paris stopped at the prunier's doors. The restaurant attracted the aristocracy, ministers, famous actors, journalists, writers, entrepreneurs, and after the signing of the Franco-Russian Union in 1892, the Russian Grand Dukes and officers of their retinue became its regulars.

In 1903, the restaurant was inherited by the son of Alfred Pryunier - Emil. He then decided on a venture - he built a completely new room for his restaurant. This happened after the end of the First World War, when new areas came into fashion - the immediate surroundings of the Arc de Triomphe, the Bois de Boulogne ... Emil Pruneier bought a bistro in this district, expanded it, rebuilt it and opened a “bar where you can try all the seafood” (its main specialization was caviar). The restaurant, called prunier traktir, was opened in 1924. The incredible decor of black marble inlaid with onyx, as well as the combination of white marble and glass adorned not only the walls, but also the floor of the restaurant. Today, visitors to the restaurant can enjoy this splendor - the decoration was carefully recreated during the recent prunier reconstruction. In memory of the past of Pruunier restaurant, where Russian aristocrats liked to have a meal, decorator Jacques Grange equipped a hall called Izba ("Izba") on the ground floor. The walls of this room are lined with pine wood panels and decorated with gilding. The ships, sturgeons and sea waves depicted on them recall the work of the famous Russian symbolist painter Ivan Bilibin.

In 2004, prunier teamed up with Caviar House, the world's largest caviar exporter and distributor. And today you have a great opportunity to taste the delicacies of Caviar House & prunier in Dubai. The first Dubai joint venture boutique is located at the mina A'Salam of madinat Jumeirah. In it you can slowly, without fuss, enjoy the best varieties of caviar - Paris, Traditions, Heritage or Saint James or delicious salmon beams, washing down these gastronomic delights with magnificent chilled champagne.

The second was recently opened at burJuman Shopping Center. Not so pretentious, but still sophisticated and stylish. Champagne is not served here, but caviar and seafood specialties .... Mmmm! It is not possible to resist. Caviar House & prunier’s commitment to Russian traditions can be traced in many names of their branded products: salmon, Tsar Nikolai, Tsarevich, caviar Malosol, and so on. Whatever you choose, believe me, Caviar House & prunier is worth it to go into it, even just to understand how caviar, elevated to the rank of high art, differs from the unintelligible mass in banks that we are used to and categorically called caviar. Believe me, there is a difference, and you should take the test!

Watch the video: I CARVED the most EXPENSIVE food in the WORLD! (July 2024).