High-speed railway between Abu Dhabi and Dubai will be built by 2017

Union Railway, a company developing railway projects in the UAE and the Gulf countries, has announced plans to build a high-speed railway that will connect the capital of the UAE to Abu Dhabi with Dubai. The construction of a 130 km long highway has become part of the country's railway development plan, which Union Railway will begin to implement this year. The Abu Dhabi – Dubai Highway will be the only railway planned for construction in the coming years that will carry both freight and passenger traffic. The rest of the projects of Union Railway are aimed exclusively at the transportation of goods.

According to The National newspaper, citing Union Railway, the Abu Dhabi highway with Dubai will be fast: trains on it will reach speeds of up to 200 km / h. The project is still under development. It is planned that the highway will be commissioned by 2017.

Union Railway was created last year to work on a project to build a 1,500-km-long railway network that will connect all seven UAE emirates and will be used for efficient cargo transportation.

Watch the video: Hyperloop is coming to Dubai (July 2024).