Crocs sandals remain in Dubai despite tragic incident with child

Dubai Municipality will not ban the sale of Crocs shoes after a tragic incident with a child.

Dubai, UAE. The Dubai municipality is not going to ban Crocs rubber shoes sales after the five-year-old child who wore them lost his big toe. Reportedly, on February 14, a 5-year-old UK tourist, Stanley Wood, shod in Crocs soft beach shoes, traveled on the subway: one leg got stuck in the escalator, resulting in the child losing his big toe. He traveled with his parents and a 7-year-old sister.

After the incident, the child’s parents launched a large-scale information campaign on social networks, warning everyone about the dangers of rubber shoes, which are not tight enough to the foot.

“Our vacation turned into a real nightmare: it all happened so fast that we didn’t even have time to react. We thought that these shoes were safe and designed to protect the feet of the child,” said Helen Wood, the victim’s mother. “However, when Stanley lost his finger, we realized that they were not the only ones who filed a lawsuit against this famous company that attracted children with bright colored sandals.” Therefore, we launched a campaign that should help parents protect their children from dangerous injuries. "

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